The latest news featuring the FODC.

2024 Annual Meeting

We are happy to announce our next Friends of Del Cerro Annual Meeting will be October 16th at 6:30pm.

The location has yet to be determined but we will be happy to send you details if you RSVP by going to the “Contact” page on the website and send us a note.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone and providing updates on our latest initiatives!

Friends of Del Cerro: Alvarado Creek restoration project continues to improve area

Recently, several board members of the Friends of Del Cerro attended a presentation by Julie Lambert, the program director of the Soil Ecology and Restoration Group (SERG).

Del Cerro block parties are great for neighbors meeting one another

The Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) were invited to participate in the second block party for the 5800 block of Arboles which is just around the corner from the Princess Del Cerro Park to promote Neighborhood Watch.

Myself, a resident of Arboles and a FODC board member, along with Jackie O’Connor, the president of FODC provided information about establishing a Neighborhood Watch and how to become involved with FODC…

Friends of Del Cerro works to address community requests, concerns

Jackie O’Connor, the president of Friends of Del Cerro recently met with Anthony Hackett, Councilmember Campillo’s senior community representative for the Navajo Community.

“It was a pleasure meeting with Anthony, discussing community concerns and providing him with a thorough overview of Del Cerro. He has been very responsive to community requests and concerns.

Friends of Del Cerro committee continues work on Adobe Falls

Bob Hickman, a Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) board member, is heading up the installation of the new neighborhood signs. Bob is now working with a Del Cerro Boy Scout Troop and members of the troop will be helping to install the remainder of the signs. This is a very good community service project for the troop. …

Friends of Del Cerro busy with myriad of projects

The Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) continues with a series of projects to benefit the Del Cerro community and its surrounding communities.

For several years, the FODC has been working with John Steffen, our City of San Diego’s Police Department community relations officer to increase the number of active Neighborhood Watch groups in Del Cerro. Bob Hickman, a FODC board member and a member of the Crime and Safety Committee is heading up the project to install new “Neighborhood Watch” signs. 

Friends of Del Cerro makes it more fun to play basketball

Mark Allan, vice president of the Friends of Del Cerro (FODC), announced the new basketball backboards for the recently resurfaced basketball court at the Princess Del Cerro Park have been installed.

The new backboards were purchased by the FODC at a cost of $2,000 and include a new basket and net. Through the effort of Kelly Wood, the city’s park and recreation area manager for this area, the City of San Diego resurfaced the basketball court and installed the backboards.

Friends of Del Cerro Update December 2021

Jackie O’Connor, president of the Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) announced some very good news for the foundation. Through an anonymous donation, we have been able to hire an executive director for FODC. Her name is Veronica “Roni” Kleinen. She will begin her duties in January. Roni has years of experience in the area of nonprofits. This will be a tremendous benefit as we move forward with our work. …

Friends of Del Cerro Update November 2021

The Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) continues to move forward with community projects. Now that the city of San Diego’s Park and Recreation Department is resurfacing the basketball court at Princess Del Cerro Park and the FODC has set aside funding for new backboards and to refurbish the poles supporting the backboards. …

Friends of Del Cerro Update October 2021

On Sept. 15, the Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) held an in-person meeting for our members. Our guest speaker was District 7 Councilmember Raul Campillo. He provided a very thorough update on a number of matters concerning Del Cerro and our surrounding communities. …

Friends of Del Cerro Update September 2021

In 2015, several Del Cero residents formed a neighborhood nonprofit which became the Friends of Del Cerro (FODC), a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, community organization of local residents and businesses committed to increasing the cohesiveness of Del Cerro and the surrounding communities by promoting and providing for safety, beautification and economic development. …

Friends of Del Cerro Update August 2021

Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) has a committee to assist the City of San Diego in keeping Princess Del Cerro Park as nice as its members can. The park is very popular and used by many people daily with family, sports and playground activities.

The City’s Park & Recreation Department is very cooperative in working with us as a partner to help maintain and make improvements for our only Del Cerro Park and playground. The Park was built 20 plus years ago, so it is aging and in need of replacement of expensive playground equipment. …

Friends of Del Cerro thanks fire department with donation

n June, as the Adobe Falls Fire threatened her home and she prepared to evacuate, Jackie O’Conner noticed something strange happening on the slope behind her house.

“Before I left there was a weed on fire down my slope and I actually saw a fireman down on one knee with a little hand shovel digging a trench around this plant so it would stop the fire,” she said. …